i really felt blessed!! i just cant stop thanking Allah s.w.t for everything!
i felt my life was better..much much better than last tym..sometimes i will get teary reminscing the past.. ALHAMDULILAH for everything..as i know every single test tt HE gave, there's always a reason behind.. getting gd news in this holy mth, i really felt blessed! alhamdulilah, im selected to become a company staff at BCS.. the virtue of PATIENCE! :) a good colleagues, a good working environment, a job tt i enjoyed..wat's more tt i could ask for? thank you Allah for this gd news! will convert sometime in Sept, insyaAllah.. its 20th ramadhan now...how time flies..i really cant wait to go terawih with dearest besties the next weekend..:) gonna celebrate sis's bdae soon at SEGAR RESTAURANT!! the restaurant tt serve the best curry fish head!! mmmm... alryt till next rent! :) wow! its been more a month since the last tyme i've updated this blog! tsk tsk!
aniwae, just feeling so tired ryt at this moment! went to the engagement of dearie's cuz.. and tmr another discussion meet up with the M.A.. saving for a wedding, seriously a headache! house wise,..am nw waiting for our HLE to be approve then will proceed to apply for the BTO flats. i hope Allah will lead me thru cuz its a tough journey.. work has been quite overwhelming these past few weeks.. i guess its due to short of manpower lately..colleagues leaving one by one.. :( alot of new duties i have to learn now. sometym how i wish to be like a new comer...just plainly typing bank accounts! hahah! just last week i learn a new skill, and this coming week, i will be doing a tougher one, they called it balancing! i heard from the others tt it can be quite stress at tymes..hopefully im able to manage it slowly..insyaAllah! :) i so cant wait for next weekend!! will be meeting my dearest girlfriends ayu and naq fr a meet up! now we're thinking of a fun activity to do tgt..and we're still thinking...heh! ya allah..ramadhan is coming! gosh! hw time flies! it feels scary sometimes..but really looking forward fr the holy mth..it seems tt i will spent my break-fast at work everyday except weekends! haiz! had a great great tym with my BCS gals yesterday. sometym, just being tgt with them makes my day!
this outing was specially for my colleague named Ain. she has left BCS..its a sad thing but i just wish her all the best on her future ahead...farewell cikgu!! her nick name @ work.. heh.. we went bowling!! i would never say NO to bowling! my favourite! :)) playing hell of fun..and after much attempts of scoring and end up in the longkang, i managed to be the 3rd one! not bad huh? ok, da action! hahah! we managed to take video of us playing..videos is wit my dear SueSue and will probably upload it once i get it from her! hahaha! and aft tt dinner at Manhattan... i somehow dislike Manhattan probably because it served alot of fish/seafood....duh..dah name fish market ryt? ok...watever it is, i would usually get too muak and i feel like throwing up..! it happen to me again yest wen i was in the bus...theres a point of tym i feel like just get out of the bus and throw up!! lucky ther's some candy with me and it prolly helps me a little..:/ cant wait for the next outing with them probably aft raya.. its a really really really really thousand tyms really sad cuz i will be shifting to another office which is at tampines next week.. *sob sob* yea, im among the chosen ones! sickening! and not all will be shifted! but lucky ther's some colleagues wit me..if not i will be lyk bleargh! but its really sad tau, the whole ocbc family will nvr be the same again since we are seperated :( will be ther temporarily for 3 long months! *crying alr* who say 3 months is nt short!? its a quite a long period to me!! but oh well..hope everything goes well ther at tamp.. mum is sick, now i get infected by the flu bug alr as im currently *stuffing my nose with tissue* haiz.. sick season now! h1n1 has mutated, the e-coli virus outbreak, gosh this world is ending! this blog seems dead! hahah..
i will usually follow my mood wen comes to blogging..sometimes i do have free time but its juz tt im plain lazy to login to blogger and start composing a post! gosh! how lazy bum! :/ aniwae, since im here..so means im in the mood of blogging! hahaha! ok crap.. life has been pretty fine..alhamdulilah..work was alright..i've had the bestest colleagues i've ever had! thnx to allah.. and seeing the recent fb newsfeed, i cant lie to myself but i felt envy with those who managed to graduate.. seeing my NYP frenz,close frenz,my beloved cousin...in any way, i still felt happy fr them.. i noe its not an easy journey and im proud tt they managed to pull it thru... sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to..and i strongly believe ther's always reason behind it.. life just hit me so hard few years back and i gave up on studying..at a point of time, i even gave up with my life.. there are not-so-nice rumours saying that im foolish but hey, be in my shoe at tt period of time and you will know how it feels like... you are well accomodated by ur parents..getting all the necessary stuffs easily..you dun noe how hard it is to support a family by ur own self!! but alhamdulilah, i managed to pull through each hardship...all thanks to the almighty..it makes me stronger.. what i want now is just to be close to dear Allah and hoping to fill myself with the knowledge of Islam. insyaallah..i hope i can take up a private dip course to prepare myself with the challenges ahead in the future as i know singapore is not an easy country to live in... fiance has been advising me on this and i hope im able to save money on tt aft i get married.. currently saving money fr my future wedding which will takes place probably end of next year or early 2013.. insyaallah... again, Allah's blessing is all i need...as i know, if my intention is pure, insyaallah, He will guide me thru... hey ppl...
lappie was crashed few weeks ago due to a viurus..:( luckily fiance knows abt IT stuffs and fixed it! :) but sadly all my pics tt were saved on this comp are gone! thnx eh lappie! urghhh! its really troublesome to update all the different programmes back and i took like HOURS to do tt... been wanting to update ALOT but due to this lappie behaving like a bitch, im unable to do so... will be again soooon...real real soon!! mum just got back from her Batam trip for 2 days along with my aunts and relatives..
she asked me and sis along but all of us had our passport dead! haha! miss her soo much! now she's back and the thing that made me go GAGA was to see the stuffs tt she brought home.... ![]() LV's bag!! :) i wanna travel!! i wanna GET OUT of spore for atleast a day or two! i wan to have those care-free moments! just having fun without worrying abt any single thing.. i wan to have a holiday! realll soon! insyaallah...fam is planning to have a KL/Sunway Lagoon trip on June.... well..tempting to go with them..well, i'll juz see how's my budget goes on tt mth..hee! :) awaiting to renew my passport real soon... pretty tt's it fr today's entry...:) me and fiance turns 3 years, 5 days old nw.. alhamdulilah.
who can i thank to if not Allah, the almighty for making us strong through out the r'ship.. there has been both nice and rocky moments we've been thru but im proud to see where we are now..:) i've learnt tt a long, happy relationship does not come down to fate, chance, luck or some magical chemistry thingy but it comes down to a good hard work.. fiance and i have gone through just about everything a relationship can experience.. Our relationship had more ups and downs but we sure have enjoyed many wonderful times together.. the point is ALL relationships have their ups and downs..its just how you handle the downs that measures the longevity of the relationship... we shud also learn to accept the other person, and to also accept yourself too! we are not perfect,anyway.. Love is nt a feeling that stays the same all the time tho...but it grows as we face change and difficulty... through actions we take, through understanding and through developing the ability to really know who the other is and to really become their friend.. it was a never an easy journey...so, be prepare for a heartache if you wanna jump into a relationship! hahaha! i can nvr stop thanking Allah fr giving me a real good,nice soulmate..and i really hope our r'ship stays forever. InsyaAllah! :) there are no powerful words to describe the pure joy and bliss i felt knowing it is him that loves me, knowing it is him tt i give my love to...:) ok, enuf with the jiwang-ness hahaha! :p anyway, last sun was our 3 years anniversary and we celebrated it with a lunch at Secret Recipe and a movie date! at the end of the day, fiance unwrapped the annvrsary gift tt i bought fr him and he was really happie lyk mad!! he smiled till i cant see his eyes! hahahaha! and the heart to heart conversation tt we have really make me gembeng fr a moment! hehe ok, lets layan the photos below..heh! When I first saw you, I was afraid to talk to you. When I first talked to you, I was afraid to like you. When I first liked you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you I'm afraid to lose you. as said, went out with bestie, Ayu and Naq to surprise ayu fr her belated bdae yesterday!
even tho we're 21 days late but, not too bad ryt?? hahaha! nah, i actually waited fr my pay..i mean better to go out wen you have $$$$ u see.. :) initial plan was having late lunch at Swensen's, playing bowling at e-hub! carry on, me and naq met up pretty early to choose fr Ayu's so called mini 'bdae cake' :p after explaining and chose the cake appropriately..we headed off to meet her.. had a great meal at Swensen's, as always..who wouldnt like the meals in Swensen's?? :p in the meantime, poor naq had to go out from our table several tyms to confirm the order so as to make everything well-planned. its funny to see how Naq acted everytime she wants to go out.. 'aku nak tel mak aku kejap', 'aku nak gi toilet jap' in my heart i was LOL!!! :) and so the climax part came...we were waiting for our dessert to be served, along with the "SURPRISED SLICE CAKE"..expecting a good candle with it and probably staffs singing the happy birthday song...haha!! it was really a wild dream tt never had come true!! this "smart" staff served it just lyk tt..like any normal dessert..without candles,without singing, without a friendly smile on her bl**dy face!! seriously annoying!!! mengucap sekejap!! haha! it was really a disappointing one.. naq was soooo pissed off and immediately COMPLAINED!! haha! but they deserved it!! who wouldn't be so pissed if what we actually planned doesnt goes out ryt.. things get a lil tensed up for a moment..cuz we were purely DISAPPOINTED!!! came early to tell, reminding them fr several tyms but yet, they didnt gave a gd service to us.. and after complaining, we are given a 'Firehouse Happy Birthday' as a complementary..this tym with a candle! hahaha! the candle somehw kinda lyk a big deal to us! heh... and probably due to the candle as well, the ice cream was melting away... tu pon nak kene complain jgk actually..haha! but, luckily the sliced cake was nice tho..if not..........:p finishin all the deserts on our table, i asked Naq to call up the Orchid Bowl @ E-hub to exactly know how many lanes are available and we are quite shocked to know all are full and to make it worse, there were 5 ppl on the waiting list! we were like 'oh shit' :/ didnt have a back up plan yet, we just went to Downtown as planned. In the bus, again, i called them up and its really a heart-breaking news to know there were 8 on the waiting list at tt period of tym!!! gosh! as expected, weekends!! its pretty annoying noeing the fact tt we cant even booked for the lanes on weekends! urgh!! but upon reaching Pasir Ris, we actually had few plans to back it up... 'Bumper Car' and 'X-rider'...due to the long waiting tym for bumper car, we decided to try out the ' X-rider'. It was fun i tell you!! haha! we were screaming like nobody business in there...even tho i was so sure tt passerby outside the ride can actually hear how nice our scream were!! hahaha! but it was fun and hillarious too!! :) i really had so much fun with the whole meet up and i hope to have it next mth too! next up, naq's bdae! will be planning soon! :) really glad tt Ayu enjoyed her day and im happy tt she like the gifts tt i bought fr her..:D and today here comes the 3 years anniversary date with dearest fiance!! :) i so cant wait fr it too!! woahh my entry super long lyk compo!! ok stop here fr now! :p this will be pretty random cuz im plainly bored ryt now.. :/
granddad's bro juz passed away on the last tue due to cancer tt he had suffered fr few years..:( received a call from uncle while i was at work and didnt managed to get leave fr tt very exact day and i missed the whole funeral rites :( Al-fateha to him and may Allah S.W.T bless his soul and grant him the highest place in Jannah. Ameen. to Allah we come from and to Him we return.. take an urgent leave the next day to attend for the prayers at my dad's cousin's hse.. seriously..i hardly noe any of them.. probably the last i seen them wen .....hmmmm...i was still a kid?? anyway, i so cant wait for weekends!! :) this blog will be full of pics soon i guess?? haha! work has been pretty hectic these days... had a lot of OTs comin in due to the high volume of cheques.. and work has been stress-er and strict-er??? is ther such a word? hahah. ever since a new temporary CHINA woman officer steps in, she's really getting on my nerves sometymes... and to be exact, not only me alone, but same goes to my other colleagues... seriously 'kerek' nak mam!!! urghhh!! i hope she leaves soon! bleargh!! i've been working my arse off to collect and simply save money!! and i hope me and fiance will go thru this together.. its seriously not an easy task but i just hope Allah will lead me thru... im learning as much as i can to prepare for my marriage-life in the future. mentally and emotionally.. as i gladly know, marriage is not easy..even relationship is never easy... it requires hardwork and patience.. blessed to have a soulmate who understands..even tho i can behave like some kind of a bitch sometym haha! but his patience and advices tt make me love him even more! :) i shud just stop here for now. till the next entry! As said in my earlier post, one of my BCS colleague, Ain Yakeen will be leaving...*sob sob*
and so we went to Seoul Garden, Ngee Ann, immediately aft work to have the farewell celebration fr her.. even tho me and some of my colleagues ther don really agree wit the idea of having Seoul Garden fr our dinner, but since they alr planned it, so we just go wit it... gd thing i was hungry tt particular tym so it wont be a wasted trip to SG afterall... but still, i really think its quite pricey ther...:/ spent for approximately 2 hrs and the fd there was not as nice as the one at Marina Sq which i went wit Ayu a few mths ago.. but getting everyone together, camwhoring..the whole dinner experience just feels great! we'll miss you Ain! :( done with dinner, we camwhore like nobody business ard Orchard..:) it will be more great if tt falls on a friday! sheesh! reached home at 12am! damn exhausted and the SHITest thing is tt i've to work morning shift the following day!! gosh....i cant barely open my eyes the next morning!! im quite broke as of now! haha! cuz spent lots of stuffs this mth.. and i guess next mth too... i so cant wait for next mth!! - besties's belated bdae celebration - me and fiance 3 years Anniversary :)) pls come fast, oh APRIL! hehe |